Admission Criterea

S. No. Name of Trade NCVT Duration of Training Eligibility Criterea
1 Electrician 2 Years. 10th

Age 14 to 42 years

2 Finance Executive 1 Year 10th

Age 14 to 42 years

3 Fitter 2 Years 10th

Age 14 to 42 years

4 Healthe Sanitary Inspector 1 Year 10th

Age 14 to 42 years

Summary of trades affliated to NCVT

S. No. Trade (Course) Shift in Take Capacity

(1St, 2nd, 3rd)

Total no. of Units
1 Electrician 2 2 2 6 (2+2+2)
2 Finance Executive 1 1 2 (1+1)
3 Fitter 2 1 3 (1+1+1)
4 Health Sanitary Inspector 1 1 2 (1+1)